Wednesday 16 March 2011

Major Grant Awarded!

We are excited and grateful to have received a provisional grant of £20,000 from OSCA (Oxfordshire Stronger Communities Alliance) to begin the restoration of the community centre once we have the go-ahead from the Vale of White Horse District Council. Our application was one of a handful from over 140 to be successful, and we thank them for keeping faith with us.

So before long we hope to be inviting you to a celebratory opening of a Community Centre that has uncovered the structural pillars on which the building “hangs”, reinstated the north-facing windows along the top under the fascia, allowing natural, non-directional daylight back into the space, inserted windows along the back, allowing supervision of the recently refurbished playground and discouraging anti-social behaviour, and installed updated disabled access.

If you have not already signed a petition for support, please do so using the form on the right.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

We still believe!

In the early hours of Monday morning fire crews responded to a large fire at the site of the proposed community centre, causing great damage. (Read the Oxford Mail article here)

While this is obviously devastating, and a considerable setback, we are still determined to see a wonderful community centre that the whole community can be proud of rise from the ashes - but we need your support!

To sign a petition of support and join our mailing list, enter your details into the form on the right.

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